Spirit and I help you with the many changes happening within you and in your life. We support you to be your most so you may create your best life! NOTE: I will never message you asking for a reading or for payment for a session.
BEFORE BOOKING A SESSION, please read the description for a PRIVATE SESSION so you will know what to expect and how to prepare.
NOTE: I will never direct message you saying that I have a message for you.
Please read all of the important information below on this Prices & Appointment Page.
45 MINUTES $325
I do not remind you of your session.
No refunds for missed appointments.
Monday to Friday 12 NOON - 4 PM EST
Saturday 12 NOON - 1 PM EST
Sunday Closed

I PREFER THE SESSION IS ON ZOOM USING MY ZOOM LINK (Audio & Video), especially for a Trance Channeling Session, but it is not required.
I can call you for a Telephone Session (Audio Only) if you are in the USA & CANADA ONLY.
I am unable to return calls or make calls if you are outside of the USA & CANADA.
In-Person Sessions will be available in the near future. For now, please schedule a Zoom Session or Telephone Session.
Please speak English well. You may not use a translator. I DO NOT REMIND YOU OF YOUR APPOINTMENT.
Sessions are for 1 person only.
Others may not "sit in" or "listen in" on your session. Others may not be present in the room with you.
I am on the same Eastern Time Zone as New York, NY. IN THE USA, WE CHANGE CLOCKS IN SPRING & FALL.
Before scheduling an appointment, please check for Spring and Fall Daylight Savings Time changes. CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO CONVERT THE TIME ZONE AND DATE FOR YOUR LOCATION.
Enter North Carolina, United States

There are no refunds and no cancellations, no exceptions. Your session is nontransferable due to limited availability and the nature of sessions. IF YOU ARE SICK OR NEED TO RESCHEDULE, CONTACT ME AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO SESSION DATE. There is no rescheduling less than 48 hours for any reason, no exceptions. Sessions may be rescheduled only once before it is then forfeited and cancelled. Mistakes on time zones or dates of a session appointment, will not receive a refund, no exceptions. Check your time zone and mark your calendar. NOTE: Do not send payments to anyone other than me via my official, secure website links on this personal website to keep things safe and secure. All information is the copyright property of Gayle Kirk to maintain the integrity and confidentiality of the session in style, content, and substance. All sessions, readings, programs, classes, workshops, and events are for entertainment purposes only. Guidance, information, and messages should not replace legal, financial, medical, psychological, or other professional advice. I am not medically trained. I rely on guidance from Spirit. JOIN MY NEWSLETTER FOR DISCOUNTS ON SESSIONS, online and in-person classes, webinars announcements, interviews, and more! You may unsubscribe any time. Go to the BOTTOM of the HOME PAGE on my website to JOIN MY NEWSLETTER! NOTE: Please click on the link below for the type of session you are having to learn more about what to expect and how to prepare. Copyright 2024 Gayle KirkIMPORTANT INFORMATION
Disruptions, loud backgrounds, or poor reception may result in early termination without refund. Please do not multi-task, drive, be in a restaurant, or be outdoors during the session. Do not use alcohol or recreational drugs before or during the reading.
IF YOU ARE AVAILABLE LESS THAN 10 MINUTES LATE FROM START TIME for Zoom, Online, Telephone, or In-Person Session, your time is reduced accordingly. I will not extend or reschedule.
IF YOU ARE NOT AVAILABLE BY 10 MINUTES AFTER START TIME for any Zoom, Online, Telephone, or In-person Session, including forgetting an appointment, daylight savings time, illness, getting lost finding my office, problems with directions, car difficulties, heavy traffic, family problems, or other reasons, the session is cancelled and forfeited. There are no refunds, no exceptions. You may not reschedule unless you pay in full to do so for another date and time.
PLEASE DO NOT COME TO YOUR IN-PERSON SESSION IF IN THE PAST 14 DAYS, you had a positive Covid-19 test, cough, new persistent cough, raised temperature, headache, runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, sneezing, loss of taste or smell, or if you have been in close contact with anyone who has any of these symptoms, or if you are bleeding, have an open wound, virus, flu, infection, or are contagious in any way.
MISSED AND LATE APPOINTMENTS will be forfeited without refund, no exceptions.
If a session, program, class, or workshop is cancelled by Gayle Kirk due to unforeseen circumstances, you will be notified as soon as possible. You will receive a full refund or you may be able to transfer your booking.
NOTE: I do not send requests asking for payment, money, or to request a session with me. Please disregard these if you receive them. I do not reimburse for any fraud. Do not accept social media friend requests saying they are from me. You are responsible for all actions.
NOTE: By having a session with Gayle Kirk, you agree that all information in the session is for your personal and private use only and it will not be shared, published, or distributed in a public format in any way without Gayle Kirk's written permission.
NOTE: All written, video and/or voice recording of any session, event, class, presentation, work, tutoring, advice, or opinion with/of Gayle Kirk is the sole property of Gayle Kirk. It may not be used, shared, published, or distributed for any public format or commercial purposes without Gayle Kirk's written permission no matter what Spirit, Guides, or loved ones in Heaven may say. Your session is safe and confidential.
Gayle Kirk does not give her legal written permission to post, broadcast, edit, share, publish, or use the recording of any recorded, written, spoken, or live reading, session, channeling, writing, opinion, class, workshop, program, tutoring, or event, in part or in full, in any format, no matter what any channeled Spirits may say or loved ones in Heaven may say, for anything other than your personal, private use only, no exceptions. Gayle Kirk owns all the licensing rights to use intellectual property owned by Gayle Kirk.
You agree you are at least 18 years old. You agree to be 100% responsible for any action taken based on your interpretation of the insights presented.
What you do with the guidance is 100% your responsibility. No claims or promises are made. We do not say what to do or how to live. We do not give legal, financial, or health advice. For various reasons, information may not be perfect or all-knowing. Timeframes are approximate. Things happen based on choices you and others make. Guidance may confirm what you feel in your heart. Trust and believe in your intuition. Do what is right for you.
NOTE: By paying for any services offered by me, you willingly agree to, understand, and accept the information on this page, this disclaimer, you agree to the No Refund Policy, and the TERMS OF USE.
Divine Spirit and I look forward to speaking with you.

"One of the best sessions I've had since I started over 20 years ago. Excellent insights and guidance. I strongly recommend you try her."
"There is no way Gayle could explain or describe the things she does unless she was truly connecting with Spirit."
"I had an amazing reading with Gayle today. Her accuracy validated important details that only our family knew. She was able to connect with my child who our family misses desperately. It was an astoundingly emotional moment when I knew that my child is doing well in Heaven. Both my wife and I had tears of comfort and peace with such great healing that Gayle had brought us. Gayle also provided much insight and guidance for me and my family. Thank you Gayle! Look forward to speaking with you again."
"Gayle gave an exceptional and very accurate reading. She is gifted in many ways. She not only provided details of loved one who had passed that only I knew, she gave hope, guidance, kindness, and compassion in my grief. If a five star rating was available I would have to give a 10. Was so impressed with her reading!! Thank-You Gayle."
"Thank you for being such a clear and true Channel of Light and Wisdom. The Guides with whom Gayle Kirk works are insightful, intuitive, wise, and endlessly loving."
"Gayle channels voices from Guides who want to pave a pathway for our future guided by light and love. She is grounded, wise, kind, and wants nothing more than to heal our aching souls."
"Gayle was clear, concise, and amazingly accurate with details that can only come from an authentic spiritual connection. I found Gayle after having years of readings from an experienced teacher and I brought a strong sense of what to expect from channeling. She did not disappoint and for anyone reading this, rest assured you will get what you need from time spent with her."
"This was my first reading with a psychic medium and I was able to connect to my Mom right away. She validated it was her with very clear memories and specifics that I knew I was hearing from her. Gayle is gifted and the real deal. If you are looking to connect or seek any guidance I would definitely recommend calling her to set up a session."
"I was feeling terrible because I had to put my sweet little dog down. I remembered Gayle Kirk from Facebook and her positive posts. I called her for a reading and found her to be very warm and friendly. Gayle made me feel much better knowing my pooch was safe with family and having a good time. She was very accurate and I highly recommend her for a reading."
"Gayle provided guidance from Spirit Guides with details that she could not have intuited on her own. It was at once chilling and healing and answered many questions that I have carried in my heart for years."
"Healed my aching Soul. Truly impacted me in a profound way. Much needed support and answers to important life and spiritual questions."
"Gayle Kirk is the best!! She really sees through to the heart of matters that mean the most to you personally and is spot on in basically all that she sees."
"Gayle immediately relayed information from my mother and brother on the other side. All of the messages from Spirit, guides and loved ones, were deep in meaning and VERY accurate. I woke up the next morning feeling whole again and purposeful. Gayle is the perfect messenger for our guides, Spirit and loved ones from the other side. Her warmth, caring and wise perception and interpretation of my life and loved ones truly impacted me in a profound way. I will talk to her again! Thank you Gayle!!"
"Her gifts are genuine, in fact, truly extraordinary, not only in communicating with Spirit and departed ones, but also in giving clear, on-target information and advice."
"Since our meeting, I have enjoyed more peace in my life and a deeper connection to the people around me. I would highly recommend Gayle as a gifted healer and channel to anyone seeking a caring, friendly, and compassionate person to help you in what can seem like unfamiliar territory."
"Gayle Kirk is the Real Deal. I have never experienced a session as powerful and meaningful as the one that Gayle conducted. Her ability to access Spirit Guides to inform my future path was invaluable. I have worked with psychics/mediums in the past and found Gayle to be in a league of her own."
"Gayle is great! This was a life-changing reading and worth every penny. I had a list of questions that I wrote beforehand, but when Spirit came through, they answered 95% of my questions without my even needing to look at what I had written. I was feeling so troubled about things going on in my life and the reading gave me a lot of clarity and peace about what I need to do going forward."