













Please read the full description below for a Private Session to get the most out of your experience since everyone works differently.


Accurate, honest, positive PSYCHIC GUIDANCE and loving, trustworthy support from Divine Spirit, Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, and our Souls.

Without any information from you, I start the session by lovingly sharing what I psychically see, feel, hear, and know about you and about your life.

I do not give negative messages, foretell death, or diagnose dis-ease. You are deeply cared for in this sacred, private session.

You are Divine! You are powerful, worthy, and more than enough! You are loved, guided, blessed, and supported always by your Soul and Divine Spirit.

You can release pain, relationship challenges, control dramas, struggles, limitations, and fears through awareness, personal growth, and healing. Live with more love, joy, peace, health, personal power, prosperity, confidence, courage, freedom, direction, faith, and trust in your Soul and Divine Spirit.

Spirit and I help you with the many changes happening within you and in your life. We support you to be your most so you may create your best life!

NOTE: Please write down your personal concerns about your life and be willing to talk about them with Spirit and me.

Discuss your relationships, family, pets, health, work, challenges, desires, the afterlife, your psychic development, spiritual experiences, and more.

As you talk about your concerns, I get psychic guidance from Divine Spirit in the form of psychic pictures, words, and feelings to help you.

At the start of the session, allow Divine Spirit and me to talk. If you want our conversation to go in a different direction after that, speak up right away.

Loved ones and pets in Heaven may also briefly connect with you. Please be open to hearing from those in Heaven for a short, positive mini-greeting.

What you do with the guidance is 100% your responsibility. No claims or promises are made. We do not say what to do or how to live. We do not give legal, financial, or health advice. For various reasons, information may not be perfect or all-knowing. Timeframes are approximate. Things happen based on choices you and others make. Guidance may confirm what you feel in your heart. Trust and believe in your intuition. Do what is right for you.

NOTE: By having a session with Gayle Kirk, you agree that all information in the session is for your personal and private use only and it will not be shared, published, or distributed in a public format in any way without Gayle Kirk's written permission.



LOVED ONES & PETS IN HEAVEN may briefly connect with you. Please be open to hearing from those in Heaven for a short, positive mini-greeting. Loved ones may share their relationship with you, personality, passing, memories, observations, and messages to help you heal and find inner peace.

As I talk about those in Heaven, please mostly only say, "Yes, No, I don't know, I'm not sure, or I don't understand", unless I ask you for clarification.

NOTE: Tell me at the start of the reading if you have a strong desire to connect with loved ones and pets in Heaven that you knew well, in addition to receiving psychic guidance. I will do my best. No promises are made.

NOTE: Please wait about 6 months after a loved one or a pet's passing to process some of your grief before having a session to connect with them.

Those in Heaven come with love and forgiveness. Loved ones in Spirit do not bring up memories to hurt you or say things that are unkind. They may apologize to assist you to move forward with understanding, love, peace, and joy. Your loved ones want you to be happy and to live your best life.

You may ask to speak with a specific loved one. I will invite them to join us, but a connection is not promised due to many factors beyond our control.

Realize no medium can guarantee a connection with a specific person or pet. Welcome whomever comes from Spirit and their supportive messages.

You may hear from someone you had an important relationship with, including relatives several generations back, even if you never knew them. You may also be asked to pass on a message to a family member, friend, neighbor, or co-worker from their loved one or pet in Heaven.

The Souls of family and friends who have not passed may also come to the session with love, understanding, forgiveness, messages, and healing.

You can connect and communicate with loved ones on Earth, those in Heaven, Spirit Guides, and Angels in your thoughts, sleep, and meditations.

NOTE: Please also write down your personal concerns about your life and be willing to discuss them with Spirit and me to receive psychic guidance.



NOTE: Please tell me at the start if you would like to speak directly with Spirit about your concerns about your life while I TRANCE CHANNEL.

Divine Spirit or the Guides are names I have given to the loving, wise Beings in the High Realms of Spirit who assist us on our Soul's journey. Your heartfelt conversation with Spirit is often life-changing and deeply healing. The Guides address the innermost concerns of your heart, mind, and Soul.

Allow me a few minutes of silence and stillness while I take time to blend my aura with Divine Spirit. Be very quiet and patient until Spirit begins speaking. My voice and mannerisms may change slightly as the Guides and my Soul speak to you directly while I trance channel.

If I go into an altered state of trance, I do not know who in Spirit will speak with you or what Spirit will say. When a Guide speaks, it is on behalf of the group of Spirit Guides, Spirit Helpers, Angels, Ascended Masters, loved ones in Heaven, and our Souls that support you and me. The Guide acting as spokesperson may change in a session or may change in future sessions depending on the questions asked and what Spirit feels you need.

Ask Spirit questions during the session if you need clarification. Since I am in an altered state, it is very difficult for me to remember details of the conversation even immediately after the session. I do not always know who in Spirit is speaking or why the Guide is saying what they do. I am only the channel of the information. I do my best to remain detached from the conversation. Each session is unique and experimental. No promises are made.

Divine Spirit has said that who they are is not important. Spirit wants you to focus on their guidance and teachings for your personal growth and healing, not on them. I may hear some of what is said by the Guides as you speak with Spirit, but I soon forget most or all of the conversation.

NOTE: Please write down your personal concerns about your life and be willing to talk about them with Spirit and me.

NOTE: If I trance channel, the final five minutes of the session I will come out of trance so I can bring things to a close.

At any time, if you wish to speak with me directly, say to the Guides, "Thank you for coming, Spirit. I would like to speak with the medium again."

If I am in trance and you are speaking with Spirit at the end of the session, thank the Guides for their help and say, "Our time is up."

At the end of the session, please be still, quiet, and do not speak until I tell you that I am fully out of trance.



NOTE: Please tell me at the start if you would like 5 to 30 minutes of peaceful DIVINE HEALING to assist you while I am in trance.

Divine Healing allows our Creator, our Souls, Angels, Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters, our ancestors in Heaven, and the High Realms to assist your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Experience Divine love, peace, wisdom, comfort, and healing from your Soul and Divine Spirit.

Spirit and I assist you to open your heart and connect more fully to the Divine. Move forward with greater purpose and fulfillment by healing emotional wounds, fears, false beliefs, and limiting patterns. We support you to deepen your loving relationship with your Self, with others, and with the Creator.

We help you to feel unconditional Divine love, Self-worth, and Self-acceptance by connecting within you to your Soul, healing Angels, God, Source, however you may name it. Experience a powerful, transformative, beautiful life by being and living as your Higher Self guided in love with the Divine.

What you think causes your feelings, determines your actions, and creates your life. You can have joy, peace, health, and well-being with love and intention. You are powerful. You can create Self-healing. Spirit and I may ask you questions about the challenging condition you are experiencing and about your life. We may discuss some thoughts, feelings, and actions which might have contributed to the problem or dis-ease. We help you to shift how you think, feel, and act so you may live a better life by choosing loving, healing, peaceful thoughts, and by letting go of painful, fearful emotions.

Divine Healing is Love and Peace channeled from Spirit. You may experience a gentle release of unwanted emotions, a letting go of limitations, a dissolving of fears, lightness in your heart, relaxation, greater comfort in the physical body, renewed joy, more energy, and greater overall well-being.

Healing from the High Realms of Spirit may create sleepiness, warmth, coolness, a breeze, tingling, beautiful colors, understanding, pleasant dreams, wisdom, insights, spiritual awakenings, inner visions of Ascended Masters, Guides, Angels, and joyous visits from Loved Ones and Pets in Heaven.

For In-Person Sessions, let me know if you wish to include aromatherapy, sound healing, crystals, gemstones, and toning as part of your experience.

Divine Healing with Spirit may be miraculous, life-changing, or subtle. Divine Love and Divine Power assist whether or not you feel or notice anything. You may experience positive changes during or after one session. The healing energy may continue to help you for several days after the session to bring you further love, comfort, hope, and healing. Several sessions set weeks apart may be beneficial for greater improvements, but are your choice.

Let go of expectations, surrender to the Divine, have faith, and know that Spirit and I have your best interests in mind. The high frequency of Divine Healing and Divine Love assists many people. You are helped according to God's Divine Will and your Soul's Pre-birth Plan. There are no obstacles for your Soul and our Creator. No promises are made. Each session is an experiment. Your Soul, God, Divine Spirit, and Angels are the healers. I am the healing facilitator. I am not medically trained. I rely on guidance from Spirit. Divine Healing outcomes are not promised, implied, or guaranteed.

NOTE: Divine Healing Sessions may be in-person, remote on Zoom, or over the telephone. You do not need to be with me.

NOTE: I do not need a photo of the person or pet for Absent Healing. All that is needed is a sincere desire, willingness, and receptivity to heal.

Divine Healing is not a medical process. Any healing that may occur is non-invasive. There is no blood, pain, or embarrassment. Spirit and I do not manipulate, give drugs, diagnose, prescribe, or advise whether to have an operation. I do not touch sensitive areas. Divine Healing is energetic. It is also known as Trance Healing, Spiritual Healing, and Energy Healing. Follow your medical professional's advice. Do not stop prescribed medications.



FOR IN-PERSON SESSIONS ONLY, I am able to create a SPIRIT PORTRAIT of your personal Spirit Guide or Angel that is helping you!

PLEASE TELL ME AT THE START OF THE IN-PERSON SESSION if you would like a Spirit Portrait of your Guide or Angel so there is enough time.

Spirit Portraits are amazing visual images of those in Spirit who are loving, guiding, and supporting you in life. A Spirit Portrait is infused with your Spirit Guide or Angel's love, light, wisdom, power, and healing. By looking at their image and inviting them close, you may have a deeper relationship with them. I will also share a brief, uplifting, personal message from your Guide or Angel about why they are in your life and how they are helping you.

I am inspirationally guided by Spirit in creating your unique Spirit Portrait. No pictures or information prior are used. The artistic process is completely Spirit-led. Enjoy sitting and relaxing to music in my beautiful crystal-filled room, without speaking, while I draw your Guide or Angel. Your Spirit Portrait may include pastels, colored pencils and markers, watercolors, acrylics, and cray-pas on quality art paper to cherish, take home, and frame.

The Guide who makes their presence known for a Spirit Portrait may have a past life connection with you or they may be a Spiritual Teacher for you. The Spirit Portrait above is a drawing I did of my Guide. I did not know I was drawing Jesus until I was done. It was a wonderful, inspiring experience!


I am unable to answer questions or talk with you while I create your Spirit Portrait. I need to quietly focus on what Spirit is channeling to me for you.



I retain copyrights to my artwork. The client/buyer of my artwork does not own the right to reproduce, distribute, or sell it without written permission.



YOU are powerful! Your thoughts, feelings, and actions contribute to how you feel and to your health. If you are ill, honestly notice if you may have unintentionally created dis-ease out of an unconscious desire for more attention and greater love. If so, give yourself more love and make positive changes in your relationships so they are more loving. Make positive changes in your life as well. YOU are worthy!

Your thoughts contribute to how you feel, act, to your relationships, and to how you live. Learn how your body shows you what you have been thinking, feeling, and doing so you can become self-aware, take more responsibility, and own your Divine power. Let go of hurt, shame, guilt, sadness, anger, and resentment. Be gentle with yourself. Your Soul came here to learn and grow. You are not meant to be perfect. You are here to love yourself, love others, and to evolve.

Read about the potential thought patterns that may have contributed to your illness. As you heal those thoughts, you may reduce or eliminate pain, suffering, and create wellness! An excellent book is "Heal Your Body" by Louise L. Hay. You can look up many physical challenges in the book and see what thought pattern you may have been thinking that may have contributed to creating the mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual challenge.

"Everything you think to say or do, every time you do not face your fears, or deny the truth of your situation, you create problems for your health." This important message from Ascended Master Maitreya was trance channeled by Margaret McElroy. We create our health, peace, joy, and well-being.

Be sure to check out the free, live Zoom programs. Click on the Classes & Events link at the top of any page! Be sure to tell your family and friends so they can participate! Join my newsletter at the bottom of my Home Page to be notified.

I know from experience that support is so very important to our personal growth and spiritual development. By having frequent Private Sessions with Spirit and me, we can focus more in-depth on you and your needs, growth, challenges, desires, development, and your Soul's spiritual progression.

I am writing a book about my spiritual experiences and personal journey. I am also channeling books with Spirit to help you learn, grow, heal, live as your Soul in Higher Consciousness, learn more about the Spirit World, learn how to communicate with your Soul and Spirit, develop trance channeling, information on alternative medicine and healing, learn about the Angels, and support to develop your spiritual gifts.

Enjoy reading some of the honest, positive, healing CLIENT TESTIMONIALS posted below.

JOIN MY NEWSLETTER AT THE BOTTOM OF MY HOME PAGE FOR DISCOUNTS ON SESSIONS, online and in-person classes, webinars, important channeled messages from Spirit, book announcements, interviews, and more!

NOTE: I also highly recommend reading the article I wrote called, "6 WAYS TO BE FREE OF THE EGO: THE CONTROL DRAMAS, CODEPENDENCE & NARCISSISM" also on the RESOURCES page. It is some of the most valuable information I have learned regarding relationships and the ego.

Copyright 2024 Gayle Kirk



"I turn into a fan girl when I'm on the phone with Gayle because this is the most legitimate experience one can have. I have worked with Gayle 3 times in the last 12 years. She has helped me transition through difficult times in my life when I really needed guidance that resonated with my soul. Guidance I can trust that has played out in life after she spoke of it. This latest session we practiced a new method (trance channeling) that enables me to speak directly with source. I highly recommend this!!"

"I just got through having a session with Gayle and I feel she is 'spot on' with her gift of picking up on my loved ones - Grandmother, Mother, Father, Sister, and Brother; and the Big surprise was that she picked up on a baby, who was my sister's and was two at the time she passed. He also passed with her in the auto accident. It was joyful and comforting to hear from them and to share these lovely feelings. I highly recommend her."

"My Private Reading with Gayle went exceptionally well. She trance channeled my reading through supportive, loving, and gentle Guides. Several of my loved ones from Heaven also arrived, which was incredibly meaningful to me. I appreciate Gayle's gift of trance channeling and the Guide's wisdom, nudges, and direction!"

"I have had several sessions with Gayle and each session has been a confirmation of the authenticity of her psychic gifts. Recently I had a "trance channeled" reading with her which exceeded my greatest expectations. The wise, kindly Ascended Master who speaks through her zeroed in on my issues immediately and accurately with little input from me and supplied me with the most helpful insights, not only from the highest soul perspective but also in terms of concrete, practical advice. Wow!"

"I had the pleasure of having a remote Private Reading focusing on healing from Gayle. I felt the energy as a flow of loving peace and harmony, all around me. It was subtle and yet, I knew something was happening for sure. I am very sensitive and feel such things right away. You may or may not feel the energy or process during or afterwards, depending upon how you are wired. Gayle is a lovely person who allows healing energy to come through her from higher sources. She has her own healing gifts, as well."

"Aside from attaining deep enlightenment, both spiritual and emotional, I found that my session with Gayle provided a long-term healing effect. It changed the way I view the world around me."

"Gayle also helped me to understand the hidden factors behind a failed love relationship and allowed me to comprehend it on a deeper psychological level. The clarity and enlightenment that I walked away with was amazing. With all the countless discussions I had with friends and family over the situation, it was Gayle's reading that ultimately allowed me to put mental closure to such a troubling event. In fact, I actually walked away feeling very positive about the entire thing."

"I left feeling uplifted and strengthened for the journey ahead."

"I wanted to bring myself back in alignment and to restore my sense of purpose in my work. Gayle created a safe, warm environment where we could work together and where I could express myself freely and honestly without fear or embarrassment. Having never experienced this, I was somewhat unsure of what to expect. Gayle led me through a process of letting go of the fearful energies through visualization and helped me get to the deepest level of meditation I had ever been to.

I could actually feel the energy around me and through me at work in my body. She used her channeled healing abilities to infuse me with new energy and perspective. I had a wonderfully enlightening and healing meditation filled with new images and sensations that I had never before encountered. I had often read about such experiences and through Gayle, I was also a witness to this deeper truth and I am thankful to her for that."

"My Private Reading which focused on healing with Gayle was simply life-transforming. Not only did it bring immediate relief to my mind and body, but it also put together for the first time the various pieces of the puzzles of my life into a coherent, peace-bringing whole.

Everything that I was told resonated deeply with me as the truth, even if I had not understood that until now. More specifically, I finally could understand the cause and purpose of the most significant and painful issue I have long had to struggle with and was finally given the remedy for resolving it.

My Private Reading with a focus on healing with Spirit as channeled through Gayle is one of the most important hours of my entire life. I am sending you the recording and I am happy to give you my permission to post it on your website. Many thanks again for a wonderful session! Life-changing! I look forward to seeing you again. Warmest best."

"Although I have always been skeptical about readings, I have also always believed that there are truly gifted intuitives out there. The hard part is finding one.

Gayle Kirk is one of the truly gifted. My reading with Gayle was unlike any other I have experienced. I felt an immediate connection with her, as she is extremely warm and compassionate, and enables you to feel completely safe and relaxed in her presence. Those of us who seek counsel from these gifted spiritual people are often burning with questions when we arrive, hoping for any ring of truth in what is said during our reading.

During my session, Gayle channeled Spirit Guides that made me feel as though my ancestors were speaking to me directly with details that she could not have intuited on her own. It was at once chilling and healing and answered many questions that I have carried in my heart for years.

There is no doubt in my mind that she also connected with my family in Spirit as well. She helped me to realize that the circle of energy surrounding me in Spirit is much wider and more loving than I ever could have known. Thank you, Gayle, for sharing your gift with me and for helping me to see what I was not able to see before."