I offer online and in-person CLASSES & EVENTS! Please see the link at the top of each page.
I am grateful to have received over 444 beautiful, honest testimonials from my clients since I began my business in 1998.
"Gayle, I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for the wonderful experiences that I have already had with the Spiritual Development Class. I am so looking forward to learning more and growing more.
Right now I feel like the flood gates have been opened and I am receiving STUFF in all different directions, especially dreams which is unique for me because usually I only remember them during extremely stressful times (these have been pleasant and with messages).
I feel like a sponge just taking it all in and am thrilled! I thank my Spirit Guides daily for showing me the way and bringing this class to me (even though they still seem to be elusive to me - but I know they are there letting me grow at my own pace). ~Hugs~"
"Hey Gayle, I just wanted to let you know how much this Spiritual Development Class has helped me.
After losing my dad at such a young age, I knew that I wanted to be able to communicate with the other side. Unfortunately, being raised in the religion I was raised in, I had a lot of fears about this. I have, with the help of my classmates and your loving guidance, really overcome those fears.
After years of searching for the answers, I said a prayer and the next day there you were on page whatever of Spirit of Change Magazine. I always knew deep inside there was more and that my father was not really gone. After working with you in this class, I now know that I need to bring this healing to people as well.
I could not have picked a more dedicated and well-intended teacher.
It takes a very special person to do this job and your good intent, organization, and quick wit make you just that person. I thank God and Spirit everyday for the guidance they give me and for always steering me in the right direction.
My life has changed dramatically since the day I met you and my classmates. Thank you for not only teaching me how to listen to Spirit, but for teaching me how to listen to myself.
You are a phenomenal teacher and a loving and patient friend."
"Dear Gayle, I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know how much I've enjoyed your Psychic and Mediumship Development Classes.
I appreciate the wisdom, warmth, grace, humor, knowledge, and compassion you bring to each and every well-planned session. I know what it takes to prepare a worthwhile class and you do it so well that every class is a new adventure. The material you cover has been very informative.
The exercises you lead are truly extraordinary! They have awakened in me abilities I'd only imagined existed. You are guiding us on an incredible exploration and I am exhilarated by the process of getting in touch with my spiritual side.
The atmosphere you've created is essential for this journey. I am truly inspired by your ability to bring together people of such diverse backgrounds in a way that fosters friendship and support.
I'm not sure I thank you often enough for this wonderful gift you have given us all. You are an extraordinary teacher and a wonderful friend. I can't wait for the next class! All my best to you."
"This past fall I saw Gayle's ad in Spirit of Change Magazine. I was intrigued by the ad and decided to act on my intuition in checking out the Spiritual Development Classes she offered.
The spiritual journey has been of great interest to me from early in my life, although I was brought up in a traditional Catholic family. For at least the last ten years, I have been interested in learning more about the Spirit World from a broader and more creative perspective.
Gayle's classes have been awesome. Besides having tremendous knowledge regarding intuition, channeling, and mediumship, Gayle is a warm, compassionate, funny, and truly gifted Spirit. I look forward to attending her class each week.
It is a place where I feel totally safe, supported, and nourished, along with gaining much knowledge and confidence to grow in Spirit."
"What I enjoyed about your Psychic and Mediumship Development Class was the supportive atmosphere, the encouragement to try things (even if we didn't "get" it), your sense of humor, witnessing your skills as a medium and trance channel, getting to know people well.
The dabbling in various things was great for me to begin with.
It was very helpful when you told me I was gifted at psychic awareness - it was confirming and helped me take it seriously. I would like to focus and practice something more in-depth."
"Even though I have been doing psychic readings for over 15 years, I felt I needed to not only continue to develop my skills, but also meet like-minded people. Gayle's Spiritual Development Class has definitely exceeded my expectations.
I feel like I can explore my spirituality and my psychic work in a safe, supportive, and fun environment.
Gayle is an excellent teacher. She is encouraging, supportive, and fun while keeping us on track.
I leave each class feeling like I have accomplished great work and experienced a wonderful learning. I would definitely recommend Gayle's class to beginners and advanced students. You'll get something out of every class!"
"Gayle has brought a wonderful focus to our group by encouraging us to progress and by helping us to find the psychic abilities we all have. She exposes us to and gives us a chance to practice various psychic techniques and discover the ones that work best with our own unique abilities.
It is a wonderful, comfortable group where one can discover and share psychic experiences without people thinking you are crazy. We discover and learn from each other as well as from Gayle."
"Gayle, I just wanted to let you know how much I have been getting out of your Spiritual Development Classes.
My interest started off as simply a fascination with psychic abilities, but more recently, I have been feeling many other benefits: healing, understanding, clarity, and inner peace.
What I like most about the classes is the bond I've been feeling with everyone there, students and teacher alike. My life can tend to be very, very chaotic. More than anything else going on in my life (and there's a LOT right now), the thing I look forward to the most is every Wednesday night in your living room and the time I spend with the group.
It has been a wonderful experience thus far and has opened up doors for me that I didn't know existed.
I also believe that you were meant to teach - and to bring harmony to other people's lives. I just wanted to say 'thank you' because you have helped add something very rich and purposeful to my life, whether you realize it or not....thanks again."
"I thought I should let you know how much I look forward to your well-planned evening Spiritual Development Classes.
Every time we explore something new and different and most often it is something that I have never done before. It is an enriching and expansive experience!
You create a very comfortable atmosphere in which my fellow students and I can be open and trusting and give voice to whatever comes to our minds. Thanks so much."
"I wanted to drop you a quick line of feedback on last night's class. Amazing class!
I truly wish it didn't have to end. What I really found exciting about it was the unity I felt with everyone there. It also gave me an opportunity to see how superbly gifted everyone in the class is.
You are doing a wonderful job with the class....thank you. It's good that you enjoy teaching because you are awesome at it. You make the time there so comforting and enjoyable...see you next week."
"I have been going to Gayle's Psychic and Mediumship Development Class for 4 months now.
It is exactly what I need right now to explore my psychic abilities.
As I am very new to the world of psychic phenomenon, I prefer to explore at a slow pace. The fact that the class meets once a week is perfect for me - often enough to learn something new on a regular basis, but not so frequent that I feel overwhelmed with too much information.
Gayle manages to strike a nice balance between teaching us about the different aspects of psychic development and practicing those techniques.
She is upbeat, funny, down to earth, and yet spiritual at the same time. Quite a combination! I would recommend her class wholeheartedly to anyone wishing to explore and enlarge their psychic abilities."
"Gayle, I have enjoyed being a part of your Psychic Development Class.
We have learned about a wide variety of things and we all learn from each other. You are kind and down to earth. I would recommend your programs and classes to anyone who is interested in spiritual development."
"I have been interested and curious about this subject matter for many years. After much reading and exploring different avenues to access more practical, hands-on experience, I discovered your class.
I'm pleased that it is a great forum for the novice as well as the more experienced seeker. Psychic ability is accessible to everyone and your non-judgmental, supportive, and encouraging style (which is always full of good humor as well) really allows for exploration and helps to build one's confidence, even after the first class!
This is a great setting to begin the all-important work of trusting that still, inner voice which is so important to accessing the realms of psychic ability. I appreciate how the group dynamic allows for fun and immediate feedback and the support of like-minded, curious, and respectful people.
I look forward to continuing to learn more and becoming confident about abilities I didn't even know I possessed! Thanks so much."
"Gayle is very knowledgeable and has a lot of experience. The class size is very intimate which allows a lot of room for personal involvement."
"I got to explore new territory with a teacher who is patient, loving, and trusting."
"I liked Gayle's modesty. She made me feel like just beginning was ok. She was encouraging and supportive."
"I liked learning the difference between psychic messages versus my own thinking it up."
"The class was very well organized and clear. The handouts were thorough and the lists of resources were wonderful! There was a strong emphasis on being positive and trusting ultimately one's self-guidance. The left and right brain balance which Gayle offered in explaining things was great for me."
"Class was participative and kept light-hearted. I enjoyed hearing about other people's experiences. Gayle was very attentive and interested in all participants."
"Gayle is very open and genuine. I learned quite a bit about myself."
"I liked that the class was low-key, natural, and not freaky."
"Gayle created a warm, understanding, and open environment. She has a wonderful, down to earth attitude about the subject and she did not try to push one way of thinking."
"The class was small and intimate. Gayle is very calm and knowledgeable."
"What I liked most was the sense of validation that I got that I can do this. I got some answers that I needed. I liked everything."
"Gayle was excellent. I surprised myself with some of the Psychic Development Class exercises.
Gayle kept everyone involved. No one felt left out."
"Gayle is sincere, gentle, and supportive. The class techniques worked surprisingly well. I expected more meditation, but found it wasn't necessary."
"I loved the hands-on psychic development exercises. Gayle is very intuitive in knowing when to shift gears when leading the class and the psychic exercises."
"The class was informative, fun, and relaxing. Gayle knew her stuff and made the class enjoyable."
"Gayle is very warm and easy to talk with. She's funny and down to earth. Refreshing."
"Very informative. Gayle is very good to work with."
"Relaxed environment. Logical order of presentation. Fun exercises."
"The feeling of openness and concern of Gayle was throughout the Spiritual Development Class. Positive encouragement."
"I really thought that Gayle did a great job. I like the casual presenting and I also like Gayle's down-to-earth way. Also, the fact that she had us do an exercise in something she wasn't great at was cool."
"I liked the way Gayle presented the info in a nonchalant way. I found I really believed her when she said our psychic abilities and Spirit were accessible to us all. I enjoyed hearing her personal stories about coming to have the abilities herself."
"All Excellent!"
"I felt very safe and accepted. I liked the music. Gayle was very down to earth even though the topic was quite ethereal. She projects a clear, authentic, and deep heart."
"Excellent class. I felt very comfortable. It was very informative. The atmosphere was great."
"Gayle's very matter of fact presentation was refreshing. It was a tough topic, but was clearly presented."
"The class was enlightening and interesting. Gayle is a great presenter and a great person. She explains things well."
"There wasn't anything I did not like about the class. I simply was a little nervous because this was my first class where I was expected to open up. I thought the presenter was fabulous in both lecture and technique. Very personable.
"Gayle is very "down to earth". She has a great presentation style. The exercises helped me build trust and confidence. This is one of the best workshops I've attended."
"Gayle was sincere. No ego. I liked her suggestions and feedback during the readings. Good exercises. Not too much drama, which I appreciated. Overall, the class was worthwhile. "
"The class was informative, fun, and relaxing. Gayle knew her stuff and made the class enjoyable."
"I liked the format of the class and the hands-on participation. I also enjoyed hearing what everyone perceived during the readings and all the feedback during the exercises. I liked that Gayle was laid back with a good sense of humor which made a potentially nerve racking experience so much easier."
"I enjoyed being able to receive messages in a very relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. I enjoyed Gayle's way of teaching."
"Awesome experience! Loved that we did several different methods and exercises. Great instructor and explanation."
"The exercises were great and the teacher was approachable."
"I loved the small setting and the gentle, supportive, and informative instructor."
"Great presentation skills. I like that Gayle was relaxed and had a good sense of humor."
"Very informative, fascinating, and inspiring."
"The class offered a feeling of love and a search for the truth."
"I liked that Gayle and the class were very open to many paths of learning and growth."
"This is a great class thanks to Gayle's leadership and wisdom. Her timing is impeccable and her encouragement of each one of us is right-on."
"Wonderful group of like-minded people. Friendly, open, accepting teacher and group. Fascinating info - videos, written articles, and channeling experience, as well as suggested resources."
"Very hip, energetic, playful, open, loving, and nurturing. Gayle is fun and a giving person."
"There was always the desire to do what was right for everyone. Gayle has a genuine concern for all classmates and a loving need for learning. Make the time together pass slower!"
"Nice group of people. Gayle you are a caring, generous presenter and group moderator. Your kindness and integrity made this a valuable and worthwhile experience. Thank you."
"I enjoyed the close intimacy of the group above all. I also enjoyed the various exercises we performed with one another (i.e. psychic readings) to improve our skills. I enjoyed the lectures, but putting our lessons into practice was even better. I would like to do more healing exercises. The hands-on healing was very nice. Gayle is a fabulous presenter. She shouldn't change a thing."
"The Introduction to Trance Channeling Class was interesting and fun.
Watching other channels on video was good exposure to learning how Spirit works with different people. Handouts were helpful in that information specific to channeling had already been reviewed and recommended. Gayle was kind, loving, and encouraging. It was great that everyone was given an opportunity to channel each time we met. The class size of three students was just right! I cannot think of anything I did not like about either the class or Gayle."
"The Introduction to Trance Channeling Class was extremely well organized and conducted and effective.
Channeling is a very personal experience and Gayle made the experience safe and inviting. She was very professional and managed the time so that everyone got a chance to learn to channel equally. Thank you. All of your years of experience showed."